GamblingThis is where you can find out more about gambling – what it is, how it works, the risks, and what to do if you are worried about your own gambling or the gambling of someone close to you.
Harmful Gambling
Most young people will have no issues with gambling, and it will be a fun activity to enjoy with friends. However, a few people may find their gambling is becoming out of control and is affecting their everyday life.
Check out our information below to find out more about gambling problems and the harms they can cause.

in 2022:
2.4% of 11- 16 year olds in England, Scotland and Wales were identified as at ‘risk gamblers’.
Gambling problems
Gambling is a risky activity, and it’s possible that it could quickly get out of control. A few of the things which could make this more likely to happen are:
- Being introduced to gambling at an early age
- Parents and/or family members who gamble
- Pressure from your friends or peers to gamble
- Having a big win
According to a survey from the Gambling Commission in 2022, 0.9% of 11–16 year olds in England, Scotland and Wales identified as ‘problem gamblers’ and 2.4% classified as at risk gamblers.
Real story
S’s story
“I felt weird doing it”
“I do have a friend that seems to be very lucky with winning highly valuable skins, making lots of profit. I’ve seen other friends though, throw away money that could be much better spent on things that provide better pleasure such as hobbies.”
The warning signs in young people
Worried that you, or someone you know, may be struggling with gambling? These are some of the common warning signs:
- Changes in behaviour (might be distracted, moody, sad, worried, anxious)
- Becoming secretive or lying
- Missing school, not submitting homework, dropping grades
- Unexplained time away from home, withdrawal from friends and family
- Less involvement with usual activities and hobbies
- Keen interest in gambling conversations
- Playing gambling-type games online
- Asking for/borrowing money from family or friends
- Unexplained debts or extra cash/possessions
- Feeling anxious, depressed, or worried about gambling
Recognise these signs?
If you’ve noticed any of these warning signs, see our top tips for staying safe below. You can also contact our Young People Service for advice and help here.
Are you Worried
about someone you care about?
Often the person who’s gambling doesn’t think that they’re in trouble. Sometimes family and friends will spot the problem first, because the gambler might be convinced that everything is fine, when really it isn’t.
How to stay safe when gambling
If you do gamble (when and where it’s legal for you to do so), there are some top tips which can help you stay safe.